The new series of Doctor Who has very much taken off and I can firmly say that I am thoroughly enjoying it compared to the past few series'. It’s no secret that I have been less than pleased with the show since the end of the Russell T Davies era, but this current series has managed to pull me back in as a faithful viewer once again. I don’t mean to rain on Mr Steven Moffat’s work - I understand and respect that there are people who enjoy his writing arch as Show Runner; I’m merely giving my opinion on it. The strange thing is that SM has written some of my all-time favourite episodes from Series 1-4. Episodes such as Blink, Silence in the Library, and The Empty Child are staples in the New-Who era for many fans as they flesh out the bone-chilling aspect of the show, and SM was pure genius when it came to these episodes. I found that while his first two seasons as Show Runner were decent, the subsequent seasons just got worse and worse. This was to the point where I actually t...